Monday, May 11, 2009

The Revolution.

It's over, it's starting. That could be one of my favorite "life inevitables". My first semester at Berklee is officially over, and i am moving on to the wonderful creative opportunities summer has to offer. so stoked. its 2 am, and i should be sleeping, but first of all, i have no reason to get up tomorrow, so im not worried about it. :) and second of all, its been one of those days where my mind has gone from exhausted to non-stop working, back to exhausted, and well, now im back to working. this is also known as emotion-heh.

its been forever since ive written, so i guess i'll update my life a little. Berklee has been an incredible experience, in both life and music. God has done so much in my life. He's taken my mistakes and made beauty from it, He's rewarded me for obedience, He's showed me justice, given me a mere glimpse of His Heart for His people, felt His disappointment and forgiveness and love simultaneously--I have encountered our Father's heart in so, so many ways. when i say disappointment, i mean that there have been multiple times in the past year where i had heard what it was the Lord wanted me to do, and i did my own thing. i went my own way, ended up broken, and He didn't want to see me hurt, but rejoiced and welcomed me home when i turned around. i cant even tell you how many times i have looked at my life, my decisions, my heart, and asked God if He was sure He knew it was me He was saving. i wrote a song about it, and whether or not its ever recorded, produced, distributed, heard, whatever--it is a never ending song in my own life that always draws me nearer to Him in times like that. my prayer is that yes, it would be a song for the broken, for the sinners, for the lost. a song of brokenness. a song of redemption. a song of adoration.

God has begun to teach me about my life as a musician, and a what is looks like to be a Christian in a progressive industry. but before i even go into that, i want to say this.

God is building a revolution among His people. and i believe that it is in my generation, and if i may be so blessed, my children's generation. God is building a revolution. i believe this with every fiber in my being. A REVOLUTION! How sick is that?! and HE is calling US to be a part of it. to BE the Revolution.

Now in this, God has placed on my heart two very specific messages for His people, whether it be through my music, my writing, or simply my life: Healing and Apathy. can mediocre Christianity count as a Holy discontent? or is that just plain frustration? to be honest, mediocre Christianity is extremely frustrating, but ive found that its even more hurtful. i literally begin to hurt for my friends and family who are "playing it safe" and "going through the motions". this is where part of the revolution comes in. this whole halfwayChrsitian thing just isnt working. it never has. what mountains can we move with our own hands? we need the power of Jesus on our side, btu when we live in a comfortable, apathetic lifestyle, we become fruitless, and rely on only ourselves for our needs. this revolution is going ot be an awakening in the hearts of the "cruisers". He's going to take the low tide waves and turn them into tidalwaves, and the candle flames into wildfires. He's building a revolution.

The second thing that God has placed on my heart is the topic of healing. this comes from personal experience. God has written a story of healing and freedom in my life. as i have written before, my heart, like many of His people, had been withered, torn, and beaten. -and worst, it felt neglected, ignored, unwanted,worthless- a mistake. and nothing and no one could fix it. it was a cup that was once perfectly crafted, smooth and crystal clear, but was then picked up only to be dropped and shattered. i, myself, tried to put the glass back together with Elmers, but we all know how unreliable that is.....eventually i let the true artist fix its creation. the Potter took to the clay, in an entirely new way, and it happened in very visible stages. the edges were first simply picked up, then pieced back together, then they were molded together- not just glued. something that was way more powerful than glue. He reshaped it together. but there were scars. and sometimes they hurt, and sometimes they still do. but the beauty is not just in that the cup was fixed, but Who fixed it, because everytime i look at it, my eyes turn to it's Creator. This is God's desire. He desires to see the broken and wounded people of the world find freedom and healing in His hands. i belive that in many people's hearts, what keeps them from discovering the freedom of Jesus are the wounds and scars set deep into their hearts. Jesus took them for us, and that is the story He wants His people to hear. This is part of the revolution He is building.

He is building a revolution. Are you ready?

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