Wednesday, June 9, 2010


So this, is what they mean
when they say butterflies
catch you by surprise
So this, is what we'll say
When we're old and gray
And leave, A legacy
That butterflies brought you to me.

- New Song that warms my Heart :)

Today is my parents 25th wedding anniversary, and I could not be more exited about it. 25 is a big milestone! We had a large group of people out at the house 2 weekends ago, and we celebrated my Dad's 50th and had a little tribute to them as a couple. The older I get, the more I realize how influential my parents have been on my life, and how their wisdom and faith have shaped mine. Usually when someone comments on my perspective of a situation, it's usually because I had made a mistake in the past and learned from it. But the more I desire and pray for wisdom, the more I realize that the main place I get it form is my parents. They have always been open and honest with me. They are my friends, but parents first. Which brings me to an incredibly important point: communication. The Jepson Family is a talkative one. Now, I understand that not all people are as transparent as we are, however, the importance of clear and honest communication is so essential. In any and all relationships- With friends and couples, you need to be able to work out kinks, issues, likes dislikes, etc. With Jesus you need to be willing to be open enough with yourself so that you can be open with Him. Communication is always a two way street, but if you aren't willing to address the reality in your own life, you may not get very far. I have to remind myself of this often- to not be afraid to ask yourself the big questions. To be unafraid of what you may be afraid of. To be unafraid of the answers you don't want to hear. To be unafraid of being real.

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