Thursday, February 12, 2009

so yesterday was they type of day that i live for.
high of 57.
light breeze.
blue sky.
everyone was happy in class. 

and i had the second best run, in all my running history. Boston is a beautiful city. it was my first run outside, in Boston, because it's been so cold. and oh my goodness. i could have run for 2 more hours. i went into auto pilot mode instantaeously and took in ever single moment in teh common. well, i started out in the common, and then crossed over to another section of the park, not completely sure if its still the common, and then i went onto the streets, the nonbusy, nonpeople infested streets. can also be known as one of the nicer parts of boston? oh goodness. i ran around Beacon, which if you come visit me, we are going to. it's a beautiful street. and then i ran up this hill on walnut, which intersected with chestnut i believe... it was just gorgeous. i did however, stop and do the whole running place thing a few times to take some pictures for you to see=] i like running with my phone. makes for good documentation.

oh, also oh my run, i saw just a plethora of children. so cute. however, there was one little boy that i saw, and im wondering if my mom instincts were maybe just a little too much for the situation, and i should just cool it..? heres the deal. there were two young moms, and their kids, each with one, i think one girl and then the other was a boy. well the mom, perfectly put together, brunette hair, pulled back in a low pony tail, and a sharp green peacoat was holding her sons hand, and then let go as he proceeded to step into a puddle, and wash his hands. she just watched him. he just splashed his hands in the cold brown water, and she just watched him, with a small grin. ahem. i know as a parent you have to pick and choose your battles, but this to me was a very clear line. you dont let your kids play in puddles in public parks with who knows how many dogs i had seen in just that 5 minutes, not to mention that its cold season and almost everyone in Boston has some sort of something. so, for parents out there, please tell me if im wrong. maybe i should loosen up, i mean, with all the kids i have. cuz im married. and have a fiance, boyfriend. and a...... oh wait. i may or may not be getting ahead of myself. ;)

to add more to the best day, because it was beautiful and i had a brilliant run, i got to make dinner and the whole apartment smelled like it for hours. =] so when tara got home it smelled like dinner time. and then i happily did laundry, went grocery shopping, served my friend dinner, worked on some worship music, and then video chatted with a friend for 2 and a half hours because Macs are the best. and i am planning on making cookies today. =] should i achieve like, ultimate nerd status for actually enjoying these things?? im very much ok with sitting on that throne. 

in other news, ive discovered a new like for croissants. like, um, really, they are so good. i got some yesterday at the store, and am obviously eating one now, which is where the relevancy comes from. see. nothing i say is ever really random. you just dont hear the whole thought process. =]

theres an open mic night this saturday, and my friend and i wrote/arewriting this song called baby blues (his girlfriend has blue eyes, naturally........) i wrote the verses and he does the chorus, and then we sing those same parts, with a sort of echo. its so cute. when he played it, the first thing i thought of was the beach, my toes in the sand, looking at where the sun and the water meet together on the horizon, and feeling the breeze run through every part of me. (i really want the beach) so anyway, the song is really fun, and fresh, and it talks about how that one person makes you feel gitty, and awkward, and you get butterflies, and tongue tied.... just the newness of a relationship and being happiest to just be. it makes me happy to think about=]


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