Saturday, January 31, 2009

Born to Fly.

I've been telling my dreams to the scarecrow
about the places that I'd like to see
I say, friend to you think i'll ever get there?
and he just stands there smilin' back at me
so i confessed my sins to the preacher
about the love i've been prayin' to find
is there a brown eyed boy in my future
and he says, girl you've got nothin but time

sarah evans. ive rediscovered my love for country music. especially when songs can help tell your story. 

in other news, apparently, pandas are repopulating in the woods of my backyard. i had a dream last night, where for some reason or another, i was running away from something, and ended up going into the woods to run away from it (perfectly nonsensical thing to do for a scary movie) and then when i got there, there were pandas everywhere. i mean everywhere! liek thousands of black and white furballs rolling around the pine needles and chewing on sticks, being protected by their superelhugo mommy panda bears which, when they saw me, began to charge at me, and then just out of no where, they poofed. when they got to close that is. all the babies were fine because they were very content just chewing on things like babies do. but the mommas-man watch out. but it was so weird! like i had this insanely good panda bear repellent. dreams are so awkward. i mean, i dont even remember the last time i saw a picture of a panda bear let alone a real one. 

classes are going great. and im discovering that this is what school and learning is supposed to be like! its not half as painful to listen in class when its about training your ear and understanding how to work with the entire ensebmle, or listening to performances and critiquing them. really. i loved penn state, but this is just so much more fun  =] so loryn way, you need to come into my ear training class for a period-then were even. i loathe economics, and then im pretty sure you'll loate eartraining. concerning classes- my schedule was slightly terrible for a while, but it's all fallen into place and i'm pretty stoked about it. i picked up principals of business management, so that ya know, in my ideal perfect life, i can open up my bakery/cafe with a stage in the corner, and studio in the basement, and let kids come in and get their feet wet in the studio. i mean, in some far away perfect alternative lifestyle. ;)

im going to take some pictures of mass ave this coming week, so you can see the "berklee beach". it's pretty crazy. and you cant walk down the street without seeing someone you know. everyone here is so social. well here as in berklee... bostonians on the other hand. i've decided they find it inapporopirate to smile in public. so in most scenarios, i stick out like a sore thumb. but, it's my mission everyday to brighten someone elses day, make then laugh, and in most cases, because its just the way my life naturally flows, it happens out of me doing something completely mindless and goofy, which wasnt even meant to be funny. eh-such is my life. =]

one of the friends that ive made since ive been here is a singer songwriter, with a really soulfull voice.... but he doesnt even go here. he lives in nashville. he is a friend of taras (my roomate) and we started video chatting and last night we wrote some stuff together. it sounds pretty sweet. acoustic guitar is by far my favorite. and its in almost every song i listen to, so performing at berklee makes things harder, because there are only pianos in the labs, but-that gives me a more well rounded education, right? sure. anyways-back to the song. its actually more of a prayer. which is how a lot of the stuff is i write.  it's to God. talking to Him. so anyways, it was the first time i really put my heart out there in my music, so im exited to see how it sounds. tara keeps bugging me to put up a music maybe ill get on that soon. =]

as for now, im gonna go run. and listen to sarah evans. because we have the same brain. 

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